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Date Posted:06/14/2024 8:09 PMCopy HTML

 Hello!  I hope all of you had a great week, mine was busy as always.  I did work on uploading the pictures of the Halloween Display that were taken at night.  That was going really well, until Wednesday morning, when there were some issues.  My photo sharing site gave me messages that said that the image was not uploaded, and then it was added to my album.  Then, there were phantom pictures, it said it uploaded them to a certain album, but the picture was not there, it happened several times, so I just decided to call it quits for that day.  I also decided to make another topic, because there are a large number of pictures, and I still have to resize and upload the last six.  However, I decided to post the first group of pictures that are ready.  

The first picture is of the spider web that was missing the spider.  Where did the spider go?  


The second picture answers that question.  There is the spider!


Two pictures down and five more to go for today!

Stay Tuned! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:06/14/2024 8:21 PMCopy HTML

    The third picture is of the ghost with one eye. I call him One Eyed Willy.  He needs an eye patch, doesn't he?


The fourth picture is of a skeleton in the shrubs.


Four pictures down and three more to go!

Stay Tuned! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:06/14/2024 8:33 PMCopy HTML

   The fifth picture is of the second spider web that I hung up on the security pole or post.


The sixth picture is of a group of ghosts and scarecrows that were hanging around in the night air.


Six pictures down and one more to go for today!

Stay Tuned! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:06/14/2024 8:46 PMCopy HTML

   The seventh and last picture for today, is of a ghost and a skeleton, with a very cool backdrop.


Next week weather permitting, I will continue posting the pictures. I hope you all enjoy them!

Until Then!

Have A Great Weekend!  Happy Father's Day to those who are celebrating, if your dad is no longer with you, I understand. I still miss my dad. 

God Bless! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #4
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:06/21/2024 2:46 PMCopy HTML

Hello!  I hope all of you are having an awesome Friday, this has been another busy week.  On Tuesday night, my first parakeet Sammy, gave us a scare.  During that day, he was puffier than usual and that evening, I honestly thought that I was going to lose him.  He was on the floor of his cage, but not sleeping with his head tucked into his feathers, his head was resting on the side of his cage, his body started to flatten out, and his foot went up to his side, but not curled under his feathers.  It was scary, and I was trying to practice for my choir's concert and my solo, but his decline made me drop everything, and text all of my friends and family and I asked them for GOD's healing touch for Sammy.

My sister let me know that she was praying, I had an immediate reply from a dear friend, and she was praying.  A little while later, my mom went in and sang Sammy's song to him, he perked up and he went to his mirror and played.  He also ate his food, and I was so happy and relieved.  The next day, he was chirping with Daisy, and he ate his daily piece of carrot and romaine lettuce, which on Tuesday he did not want at all.  I thanked them for their prayers, Sammy will be celebrating his 73rd month with us!  His close call was a wakeup call for me, so last night I continued the aquarium story, and I am going to finish it, so I have a new part to post.  I will continue posting that story between posting pictures, so that I can share about other pets that in our family, and my Sammy and Daisy.  Tomorrow, Sammy and Daisy are going to have a photo shoot, I am going to take some pictures, since it has been a while.  Then, I heard about the first named storm of the season, Tropical Storm Alberto that made landfall this week in Mexico and Texas.  I have been keeping them in my prayers, and Florida is going to have its first tropical taste today, there is a disturbance off the coast of the Gulf Of Mexico, it is expected to become a depression today and make landfall in a variety of places, Daytona Beach was mentioned.  So, I am trying to beat the rain and share more pictures of the Halloween Display.   

Yesterday, Live Oaks Worship Choir had our rehearsal at Southern Oaks for the concert on Sunday evening, I hope beyond hope it will be on You Tube, if not next week I will make a special post to tell you folks all about it the songs that were sang, and everything else.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, this morning I woke up with an echo in my left ear, and I really don't need it around on Sunday.  Have you ever had that?  It is like I am using one of those mics that change a singer's voice used in most of the songs today, and I don't like it too much.  I am going to try some ear wax removal stuff I have, and I am going to take a sinus pill, and just pray.  Anyway, on with the pictures enough with the updates, right?

The eighth picture is of a scarecrow that I placed in the shrub I liked it in the shrub.

Stuck in a shrub at night.

The ninth picture is of the first spooky scene.


Nine down and three more to go for today!

Stay Tuned! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:06/21/2024 2:59 PMCopy HTML

 The ninth picture is of the second spooky scene.  Really scary the ghost with no eyes photo bombed it! 


The tenth picture is of the same ghost with no eyes!  Next year, I am going to have to get that poor ghost some eyes, or eye patches, anything right?

I also called it hung up ghost.


Ten pictures down and only one more to go for today! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #6
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:06/21/2024 3:15 PMCopy HTML

The eleventh and last picture for today is of Polly's scarecrow at night.  When I had another look at the picture, I thought that Polly's resting place deserved a new scare and Charlie too.

They don't deserve to have scarecrows with little or no pants on.  This Fall, I hope that the same scarecrows I bought last year are around again. 

So, from this coming year and on the scarecrows committing crimes of indecent exposure will be in the shrubs too.  


Eleven pictures down and seven more to go, I thought it was six, but it is seven, there are eighteen pictures.

Until next time!

Enjoy your weekend!

Stay Safe and Cool!

God Bless! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:07/02/2024 10:17 PMCopy HTML

 Hello!  Thank you so much for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, the echo left my ear, went into my throat and out of my body completely that same morning.  The concert was a "win" for LOWC's ministry and GOD most importantly.  It was recorded, and I will share about the concert as soon as I can.  Last week I was recovering from the concert, the system I told you all about did not do much.  Now, everyone's eyes are on the first major Hurricane of the season.  Hurricane Beryl and my prayers are with everyone in his path, in the Caribbean, Jamaica is one of them, then it could also come into The Gulf of Mexico, so I am keeping up with the updates, as well as the two other systems.  I also apologize for the missing pictures, but I discovered that you can right click on the blue image, and it will let you view the picture or pictures in a new tab.  I hope whatever is going on with my photo site will clear up soon.  The clouds are rolling in now, so I am going to post what pictures I can for today, before I have to shut down.

The twelfth picture is the first view of our Halloween Front Porch.


The thirteenth picture is the second view of our Halloween Front Porch.


Thirteen down and three more to go for today!

Stay Tuned! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #8
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:07/02/2024 10:37 PMCopy HTML

 The fourteenth picture is the third view of our Halloween Front Porch. 


The fifteenth picture is of a closer look at the Jack-o-Lanterns.


The sixteenth picture is of the Jack-o-Lantern on the left.


Sixteen down and two more to go! 

Until next time!

Stay Safe and Cool

Enjoy Your Day! 

God Bless! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
sunshine-02 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:Halloween Outdoor Display At Night 2023

Date Posted:07/04/2024 3:00 PMCopy HTML

 Hello!  I have a day off from grocery/non-grocery shopping, paying and mailing bills, and choir has the month of July off too!  So, I know it is the 4th of July, but before I enjoy the rest of my day to celebrate my countries 248th birthday!  That I would post the last two pictures of the Outdoor Halloween display at night.

The seventeenth picture is another view of the Jack-o-Lantern that was on the right side.


The eighteenth picture is of the scarecrows that hung out on the loveseat/swing.


This concludes the pictures of the outdoor Halloween decorations, but I still have one more set of Halloween pictures to share.

I need to import, rename, and upload the pictures of my Halloween decorations in my room.  If weather permits, I will try to work on that next week.

I also want to continue my aquarium story and share details about the concert that I promised.

Until Then!

For all of my fellow American visitors I hope you have a very Happy 4th of July!    animated-flag-smiley-image-0086usa.gif   I also hope you all stay safe and keep cool as well!

I am staying inside all day, and I am going to watch and record all of the Firework specials on TV.

Enjoy Your Day and Weekend!

Stay Kind

God Bless! 

*Proud Fan Of Alexei Yagudin * ;)
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